There can be lots of unexpected bugs and issues, as well as general brightness problems ( your game might become too dark etc). Generally speaking, they are compatible with many other mods that edit the game’s visuals, but you really need to pay attention to this because not all of them will work with all other mods you might want to use. They come in many different presets or versions, depending on your preferences and how you wish your game to look & feel. Spicing Up Visuals with Post-Processing Gamers equipped with powerful systems can make games even better-looking by improving lighting and color correction while adding advanced graphics features such as ambient occlusion, depth of field, shadows, HDR, and advanced motion blur.ENBs are post processing effects designed to greatly improve the visual aspect of your game. How do I make games look better with ReShade? Input processing: that’s where you can specify what should happen in the background. Performance mode disables all realtime editing features but allows for faster compilation and shader performance as the compiler can optimize a lot more.

You can see the frame-time cost of reshade 3.0 in the ingame configuration menu, under the “Statistics” tab. This website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other functions. Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation. However, if reshade drops your FPS by half, then performance dependent input lag increases slightly. It work by modifying render functions calls of the games and applying additional effects. Many games may look much better and ENBSeries is the easiest way to improve them. It is developed and maintained by Boris Vorontsov.